Artificial Intelligence Blogs


Beyond the Hype: Six Trends in Artificial Intelligence

AI has come to be a catch-all term that can apply to any technical idea we have conceived but not yet implemented. To some, AI is an unknown, scary concept powered by sci-fi or magic. For some, AI equals chatbots — but it’s so much more. In fact, AI is already disrupting industries and driving real business impact. We’ve put together six trends below that will be important for AI in the next year and beyond.


Modern Marketing: The Coming AI Revolution in Pharma

We work hard every day to deserve our reputation as leaders in digital health, alerting clients and colleagues to promising trends and technologies, sorting through the hype to discern what will truly advance the industry to improve patient outcomes. So when we kept receiving questions about artificial intelligence (AI), we saw an opportunity and a […]


Compliant Chatbots on Social: Best Practices for Pharma

The potential for artificial intelligence (AI) in social media and healthcare is incredible, and AI can no longer be relegated to innovation groups. Pharma companies can leverage AI to impact many aspects of the industry, from helping users find and talk to doctors, using AI to predict heart attack risk with greater accuracy than cardiologists, […]


AI Glossary: Defining Today’s Top Tech for Pharma Marketers

“Artificial intelligence” … the term is everywhere these days, but what exactly does it mean? As of this writing, the Wikipedia page for AI cites almost 300 references discussing and defining the topic. So much is being written about it every day … how do you even process a fraction of it? How do pharma marketers begin […]