

Voice Answers: Innovating in SEO With AnswerVox®

To date, 19M consumers have used voice search to locate health-related information. That number is expected to grow. Are voice assistants correctly representing your brands and indications? Learn how Intouch can help you find out.


Google’s RankBrain: What Does it Mean for SEO?

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On October 26, Bloomberg Business published a spotlight on Google’s investment in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning — specifically RankBrain. RankBrain is an AI system that Google has been using for the past few months to process a large percentage of its daily search requests. RankBrain represents Google’s ongoing quest to ensure the most […]


Canon Law: What Canonical Tags Can Do For Your Content

How do you make sure your Google juice is as strong as possible and the best of your content makes the strongest showing it can? There are a lot of answers to this question, but one of them is canonical tags. They’re not something all marketers have heard of, though. So what are they, how […]